Popular AIT magazine program, titled Spice The Marriage Show and anchored by veteran Journalist, Presenter and Media Personality Regina Dokpesi will be hosting and organizing the 2020 Spice Marriage Ambassadors Award, as well as the unveiling of the maiden edition of Spice Family Magazine on the 23rd of April 2020, at NAF Conference Center, Abuja.
Speaking during a pre-conference brief on development plans ahead of the Spice Family Magazine launch and the occasion of Spice Marriage Ambassadors Awards, the Convener, Regina Dokpesi noted that the release of Spice Family Magazine was to further enhance her preachings and campaigns on domestic violence, as well as strengthening and improving relationships that are faced with diverse challenges.
The occasion of Spice Marriage Ambassadors Awards and unveiling of the quarterly Spice Family Magazine will witness the iconic presence of notable personalities and institutions. The Award occasion will also honour and recognize outstanding couples who will be appointed as Ambassadors of Spice Family/Marriage Project, a brainchild of Inspirar Tour Limited.
The project is solely focused on enhancing marriages, relationships, building bridges in broken affairs, creating solutions to marital issues and also damming the incessant occurrence of broken marriages, divorce law suits, domestic violence in marriages, overshadowed marital sacredness and its relevance in building up effective family chain. The Spice Marriage Ambassadors Awards will be recognizing Awardees across difference Award categories cutting across entertainment, politics, business, commerce, philanthropy, and several others.
The Convener of the Award event and publisher of the soon-to-be released family magazine, Regina Dokpesi has continued to use her Spice Marriage Initiative through the already ongoing magazine program (Spice: the Marriage Show) on AIT every Thursday at 11:00pm and Saturday at 3:30pm to help couples and adults in relationships to get it right.
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