Famous Nigeria-Abuja Comedy Show titled "Leave Comedy For Shortcut" and organised by Shortcut Emtertainment is set to host another amazing fun-filled ceremony. The most anticipated Leave Comedy for Shortcut 3.0 show will be held on the 20th of November 2021 at Congress Hall, Transcorp Hilton Hotel Abuja.
During an exclusive conversation with the Host, MC Shortcut told our Correspondent that the forthcoming event will be having the performance of Nigeria's finest Comedians and Musical Artists, including the presence of prominent celebrities, topnotch personalities and notable individuals across the public and private sector in Nigeria and especially Abuja.
According to the organising Committee of the 2021 edition of Leave Comedy for Shortcut, all hands are on deck to make the forthcoming Comedy show a success. They stressed that tickets are available on the official website of the host organization, with ticket rates ranging from 6,000Naira for Regular, 20thousand Naira for VIP, 100thousand Naira for VVIP, One Million Naira for Gold sponsorship and 2Million Naira for Platinum sponsorship.
Abuja residents and other attendees who experienced the excitements that clouded the last edition titled "Leave Comedy for Shortcut 2.0" show are already anticipating the indistintive amazements of the show with reactions on the social media. Over the years Shortcut has remained outstandingly innovative and demonstrating the significant creativity of a dedicated Comedian.
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