A non-governmental organization with a mandate to tackle the scourge of human trafficking and sexual violence in Nigeria, Mariam Ashley Yusuf (MAY) Foundation has unveiled an action plan for its operations in the next one year. 

The organization in a statement at the weekend signed by the founder, Mariam Ashley Yusuf expressed sadness over growing cases of human trafficking across the Nigerian borders. 

It classified the plan to include short, medium and long-term which it believes will upscale the campaign against forced labour and sexual exploitations.

MAY Foundation says the section of this plan is to increase our partnership base with other sister agencies from the public and private sectors both locally and internationally including law enforcement agencies. 

This objective contained in the short-term plan is to draw a renewed support for the campaign while also generating increased technical support from experienced personnel across the country and beyond. 

Medium-term agenda of MAY Foundation will include embarking on intensive rural enlightenment campaign in hinterland communities across Nigeria, more visibility on conventional and social media spaces, especially as trafficking becomes largely cyber-based. 

"Today, we find the social media rife with the “Japa Syndrome” which these nefarious individuals are using to their advantage. Cases abound of young Nigerian girls being taken to places such as Libya, Lebanon, Oman, Kuwait, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, etc with promises of well-paying jobs as maids and nannies. Well over 90% of these “jobs” are female escort services and these unsuspecting ladies fall victim.   

"We also intend to launch our hotlines so as to be reachable by Nigerians both locally and internationally and social media handles to monitor the cyber-space and blow the whistle for the law enforcement agencies to swing into action where required", the statement says 

Discussing its long-term plan, MAY Foundation says it would build on short and medium term goals, by actively focusing on law enforcement agencies with tips to assist in the arrest of human traffickers. 

It also seeks to establish a rehabilitation center for victims of human trafficking, especially those who were forced into female and male escort services both in Nigeria and the Diaspora, launch MAY Foundations Apple and Android App for news feeds and information dissemination to partners, sponsors and the public, also for donations from prospective sponsors and the general public. 

Furthermore, the foundation will consider launching a radio and TV sitcoms in pidgin English, Hausa Igbo and Yoruba languages for increased enlightenment, information dissemination and awareness. 

Additionally, it would embark on local and international tours in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and INTERPOL Department of the Nigeria Police Force to human trafficking hotspots across Nigeria. 

"MAY Foundation is poised to embarking on this next phase of our campaign with renewed vigour and zest as we are well aware that with every passing day more unsuspecting young Nigerians are falling victim to this plague. 

"Thus we are appealing and imploring all well-meaning Nigerians and the Government at all tiers to beam a strong light on the issue of human trafficking and sexual violence as it directly affects Nigeria’s youth, who’re the future of our dear nation", it added. 

The foundation also expressed profound gratitude to NAPTIP for its relentless support in getting rid of human trafficking, forced labour and sexual exploitation in the country. 

"Our founder, Mariam Ashley Yusuf is grateful to actively participate in activities marking the 20th anniversary of agency recently, including road walk in Abuja against human trafficking.

"Such partnership we believe are needed to sanitize our society and make it more liveable now and for generations to come", the statement concludes.



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