Barkisu Sulaiman, a housewife from the Karaworo-Lokoja area of Kogi State, has been arrested by local residents for allegedly throwing her newborn baby into a drainage ditch.

The incident occurred on Tuesday, October 7, after a tip-off from a woman in the Kabawa area of Lokoja, who had a close relationship with Sulaiman and informed the authorities about the situation.

According to reports, the woman revealed that Sulaiman had confided in her about being pregnant by one of her ailing husband’s servants residing in Adankolo-Lokoja.

The friend further disclosed that the alleged father of the baby had denied responsibility for the pregnancy and suggested that Sulaiman terminate it.

Upon learning of the incident, concerned residents apprehended Sulaiman. Following her arrest, she confessed to dumping her one-day-old infant, expressing feelings of guilt for cheating on her ailing husband.

Paul Igweibuke, the Kogi State Commandant of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), confirmed Sulaiman’s arrest on Wednesday, stating that an investigation into the incident is ongoing.

The case has raised serious concerns about the challenges faced by women in difficult situations and the drastic actions that can arise from societal pressures.



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