My dear Lakers, 

Today, we are gathered in this beautiful resort for our Club Assembly and Retreat, a gathering I see as a collective victory, considering how long we have planned and hoped to be here. To think that we are more than 3 dozen who drove more than an hour, some spending a night, and hoping to spend more, is an incredible feat. Thank you and welcome. 

Today isn’t just to have a meeting, but above that, it is to celebrate the spirit of our shared journey, our commitment, our pride. As I reminisced through our short, yet fleeting journey so far, I remembered the Zulu phrase that my late father had hung in his study while I grew up: umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu – a person is a person through persons. 

Over the past 100 days, we have faced challenges that shook and tested our resolve, but above these, we have seen the power of collaboration, dedication and unity. Our actions and decisions have reflected our collective strength and a yearning desire to do good, and leave our communities better than we met them. We have shown that true progress can only be achieved when we lift each other up, when we work in unity. 

Today, I pay tribute to our members who always believe. Even at my weak moments, I look around and see ready hands and eyes, who believe it can be done. At short notice, we have touched lives and made history. We have not allowed minor distractions set us back, but they have made us stronger, instead. I am so proud of you all!

Our meetings have been avenues to bond and network, creating joy for members and non-members alike. The least number we have recorded in our meetings is 46, with an average of 56 members in each meeting. In each of these meetings, we have served refreshments, throwing feasts at some of those meetings. We have really created a vibrant club, a club we are all proud of. Indeed, we are the Lakers!

From the start, we planned and executed a classy Investiture Ball.

We pulled our friends together for a classy investiture Ball, raising substantial funds in the process, and inducting 16 members. 

1. Joined other clubs in the Zone for a Maternal & Child Health project in Dutse.
We joined 40 other clubs to flag off the District’s Maternal & Child Health project in Dutse.

2. Did our own Maternal & Child Health project in Kuchigoro, including 100 Safe Arrivals.

Thereafter, RC Abuja Jabi Lakeside did its own project, gifting 100 expectant mothers with birthing kits, and conducted medical tests for them. 

3. Proceeded to Kuje General Hospital, where we made donations to the hospital and offset some indigent patients bills.
Same day, the club members proceeded to Kuje General Hospital, where indigent patients had their bills settled, and some hospital equipment presented to the Hospital management.

4. In partnership with Godwin & Christie Ogum Foundation, did 60 Safe Arrivals in Unubi, Anambra State.
The Magic President, having made a personal commitment to replicate every Rotary project done here in his home community, proceeded to fete 60 expectant mothers in Unubi, gifting them birthing kits, and numerous other gifts.  

5. In partnership with IHVN, carried out medical tests, vaccine administration, advocacy and counselling sessions as we marked the World Hepatitis Day in Kuchigoro.
To mark the World Hepatitis Day, we were at Kuchigoro on July 26 to carry out medical tests, vaccine administration and counselling sessions to more than 500 villagers.

6. Partnered with Care & Cuddle School to install a Recycle Bin in Astro Turf (Junkyard) in our bid to help #StopSingleUsePlastic.

We partnered with Care and Cuddles School, Jahi to mount a Recycle Bin in our bid to #StopSingleUsePlastic. The school, and its proprietress have been on a self-driven move to plant recycle bins in all public spaces in the FCT, and we are excited to be a part of this. 

7. My dear Lakers, I am happy to also report our successes to The Rotary Foundation.
Having committed to lead from the front, I have over the past 3 months, contributed in excess of US$4000 to the Rotary Foundation, nicking the Major Donor pin in the process. Our PE, Caroline, who is sadly unavoidably absent, has also added another US$1000 to her Foundation account, earning a PHF+2 status. I call on those of our members who can do it, to earn their pins, too. Today, with the approval of the Polio Committee, I will beg everybody to contribute at least $5 to the PolioFund account, as our own little way of joining to #KickPolioOut. If 36 of us do that today, it will be easy to reach out to the rest of us who are not here to also do same. I know we can.

8. Sponsored 15 youths to RYLA
We sponsored 15 youths to RYLA and they came back successfully. I invite our Youth Chair, Rtn. Sombiri to stand and take a bow. We are in talks with our Youths and Vocational Chairs to unveil some exciting packages for them.

9. Undertook to sponsor Maryam’s 5 children through primary and secondary education.
When Maryam picked up a member’s phone and returned it, she was just being a good Nigerian. But when the Lakers realized she was a widow with 5 children, 5 Lakers happily adopted each of her kids, and have assured them of scholarship till they finish secondary education, and possibly to University.
10. Continued on one of our long-term strategic programmes by paying Ladalo’s school fees. 
Ladalo is a polio survivor we have long adopted as our daughter. She is a university student now. In continuing with our long-term strategic plans, we have paid her fees for this year and got her a private tutor, to ensure her results continue to impress us.  

Other than these, we are planning the 12-adopt-12, where 12 of our friends will adopt 12 pupils and cater for their scholarship till they finish secondary school. This is equally part of our strategic growth plan, and these our Rotary friends may eventually become our members. I am excited our PE Carol insisted on being one of the 12, as this would put her on the right pedestal to continue with the project.

11. Executed the Lakers Business Expo, where more than 35 vendors participated in a hugely successful business exhibition.
Take a bow, Glam ma! In continuation of our drive to encourage and support our members too, we organised the Lakers Business Expo, a mini trade fair where we showcased the businesses and passions of our members. A bigger exhibition, Edition 2.0 is already in the works as participants keep testifying to the gains of the first edition.

12. Joined other clubs to sponsor 100 Teachers to a Capacity-building workshop, winning an award as the highest sponsor.

We collaborated with the District for a capacity-building workshop for teachers and sponsored 35 teachers, the highest number by any club. Knowing the value teachers create in the society and our communities, we hosted 24 of them to a buffet yesterday, in partnership with Grand Cubana Hotels. The excitement they showed was palpable and we will make this an annual event, going forward, as part of our strategic growth plan.

13. Major sponsor of the upcoming Walk by the District Committee on Mental Health.
We are equally collaborating with the District for the Mental Health Walk, as the major sponsor for the Walk. 

14. Platinum Sponsor for the Polio Walk
We have keyed into the upcoming Polio Walk and I will seek Board approval to sponsor the walk with N200,000, making us a Platinum Donor Club. As already mentioned, all our members are also encouraged to donate to the Polio Fund, as a way of not just creating awareness, but putting our dollars where our heart is. 

15. Rotary Family Health Days
Between October 24 and 26, we will be attending to more than 1000 children, men and women in Kuchigoro during the RFHD. It is a very big project, and I plead with all of us to be ready to play huge roles as we continue to plan towards this. Rtn. Modupe and PP Nguhemen have been working behind the screen to ensure a very successful outing. We will be hearing from PP Nguhemen shortly on how far they have gone. 

16. Membership Growth
Till date, we have inducted 25 new quality members, and we are bringing in more. I invite our Welfare Chair, Rtn. Vivian to stand up and take a bow. Apart from the President who has brought in 11 members, she has brought in 4 members this year. In recognition of this achievement, I will be a panelist on Friday, October 11, during the Membership Roundtable. I implore us all to key in.  

We must not fail to acknowledge in a very special way, our Editorial Team, led by Chudi Val Iroagalachi. Having to call them up at odd hours for one editorial assignment or the other has become commonplace, and they always respond. Take a bow, Chudi. We appreciate you.  

17. Finances
We are in a very healthy financial position, my dear Lakers. We must count ourselves lucky to have a Treasurer as efficient and effective as our Magic Treasurer, our very dear Premium Package, Rtn. Faith. Please take a bow. With all the projects we have been doing, we still have in excess of N17m sitting pretty in our accounts. We will double up on our resolve to create impacts in our societies, and touch the lives of people, even as we continue to seek opportunities for our members, too. 

Indeed, Rotary is good!!!

As we look ahead, kindly join me in cultivating a fun, happy and inclusive environment where every voice is heard, where every achievement is celebrated, and where we can always rise together. Our unity is in our strength and we shall make it shine as we tackle the challenges of maternal and child health, membership retention, basic education and literacy, economic and community development, our Foundation giving, disease prevention and treatment, amongst others, into the new year. 

The future is still jam-packed, and I am convinced we are ready! We are taking ICT learning to LEA Kuchigoro, a school where they’ve not taught Computer Sciences before. We will empower the girl-child in several ways, priming them to be more confident to face the future. We will draw our youths close, and empower them to become more useful to themselves and their communities. And we will take care of our members, and other Rotarians, too. Our plans to host Edition 2.0 of The Lakers Business Expo is in top gear and will be massive! Don’t wait to be told.  

Our Tuesday, October 8 meeting will be a celebration of what we have achieved. We have the commitment of the DG, D9142 to attend, and we will be happy to have him welcome our 4 new members into the Rotary Family. We will also be giving out a few awards to some of us who have excelled above self in their assignments. Please plan to attend.

As we are gathered for our Club Assembly today, I extend my gratitude to all of us. I invite you all to see this meeting as an avenue to express yourselves and speak up on your thoughts regarding our dear Club. We have our leaders here, including 4 past presidents who are more primed than I am to take up our questions and challenges. Indeed, I may tear up if I decide to mention names and recall your sacrifices. Your commitment, your support, and your passion have been the wind behind my sails. Please don’t let it quench. Together, let us continue to dream, to strive, and to achieve. 

My dear Lakers, this is a celebration for all of us. Indeed, I am because you are. 

Congratulations, and cheers to many more! 

Amobi OGUM, MD
Magic President, 2024–25 RY
RC Abuja Jabi Lakeside

5 October 2024



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